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The Leisure Park Plohn

Image Copyright: Wolfgang Buttkus

You have met a talking tree? No? You can't even imagine something like that?

Well if that is the case your city-map team recommends a day trip to the Leisure Park Plohn near Lengenfeld. Conveniently placed as regards to transport facilities at the connection road between� Zwickau and Lengenfeld � just 10 minutes from the A72 exit Zwickau-West � is the most visited leisure park of the newly formed states.

An imaginative and adventurous world is open to younger and older visitors after the welcome by the talking tree.�

Image Copyright: Wolfgang Buttkus

Past the fire spitting dragon and the merry-go-round at the Rapunzel Palace we reach the romantic fairytale forest situated at the protected landscape of the Plohnbachaue. Whether Puss in Boots, Hansel and Gretel, Mother Carey or the other well known figures from the fairytale world � everywhere we find moving and talking figures, which bring back memories.

Image Copyright: Wolfgang Buttkus

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